Being Retired Military is Lonely, But the Professional Freedom Helps

Aging legacy Black Jack of All Trades by Michael P Wright for

Recently, a new friend asked me how I’ve enjoyed being a civilian. My analytical-self wanted to correct the question so that I could answer it accurately. Well, I’m not a civilian. I’m still Air Force, however my status is Air Force Retired.

As I had that thought, it occurred to me how pretentious it sounded in my head. So, I didn’t say it out loud. Not only did it sound douche-y, but I wouldn’t be answering the question by explaining that first. In fact, if I were the person asking that question, and the reply I got was “I’m not a civilian, but it’s been great.”, I would probably think to myself “Ok, asshole.”

Just the freedom was better than breathing…

Lupe Fiasco, Kick Push

I did answer the question. And, the answer is being retired is a little bit lonely, but my professional life is a lot more fun and interesting. It’s the freedom. It’s being able to create my schedule.

The freedom is so important to me that I refuse to live above my means just so I’m never forced to have to work. I can choose the work I do and choose how much time to I spend there.

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