Dark Day: Not Burned Out, Just Tired

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I didn’t leave soon enough to pickup the kids at the designated time in Meridian, MS. The drive…I just didn’t have the energy.

I think I sabotaged my leaving on time — to get there by 6pm. I’m both mentally and physically tired, and the drive is exhausting. I didn’t want to do it — 7 hours of driving. Of course, I want to see and Lee the kids. I miss them, and I had to cancel our last visitation weekend too.

I’m just tired. I didn’t get back online for class. I just laid on the bean bag couch and played SNL episodes on YouTube until my Google Pixel battery died. Then I played Domino’s on the iPhone until its battery died.

I’m not burned out. I just don’t have the energy to change the things that are adding high amounts of stress. I guess I don’t have the energy to ask for more help.

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