MVP Good for You Good for Me

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I’m one day from Minimum Viable Product on my Capstone project at NSS. Just one day from the funner parts: styling with Material UI and custom logic.

I’ve got a running list on my GitHub of basic features I want to add once this thing — Smilestones (working title) — is MVP approved. For context, MVP is the term NSS uses to describe an endpoint in my Web App project where it works as I described it.

I submitted a proposal for a Web Application I’m building using React JavaScript. My team lead Instructor looked over the proposal with me, suggested where to trim or add, and approved an MVP. So, after 1 week, I’ll hit that point tomorrow having the most difficult pieces (for me) completed.

By the way, Smilestones is a working title because I don’t well with committing to names for things. I like to leave my options open even though I already bought a domain name.

Seriously, I bought the domain name already

Anyway, I want to talk about the app, but I plan on launching this in real like for realz. So, no, I’m going to be very generic about it, but I will answer direct questions about Smilestones.

Material Design is a Google design resource and methodology for User Interfaces. Material UI is a React thing that lets you add Material Design items inside a React application. It’s great. I used some of the components in the group project we had before Capstone work started.

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