React JavaScript is fun and Redstone Housing has a waiting list

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I’m tired, and I’m going to rest this weekend. ReactJS is getting a lot more run in class, and this week, I applied to move onto Redstone Arsenal into base housing.

Also, my CRV is getting Turo trips again. Damn it feels good paying bills with other people’s money. I know how that sounds, but I mean it. It really, really feels good.

Redstone Base Housing

Wednesday, I submitted an application for Redstone Base Housing. It’s called Redstone Family Housing.

I’ll pay more than I want to for renting, but at least I’ll have a 3 bedroom apartment and no more than 1 connected neighbor. I’m down for that. I can afford the bill temporarily while looking for a multi family home to buy.

Redstone Family Housing has a 6-month waiting list right now lol. That’s insane.

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