I got a rapid COVID test this morning and a regular test. The rapid test came back negative 15 minutes later. That’s a good feeling.
I got brain swabbed for the regular test too. That sh*t was SUPER weird. I made an ugly face to keep from cussing. Wow people were not exaggerating about that swab; it’s genuinely terrible.
I’ll get the results back for that test Monday. The really kind nurse — who gave me the tests nearly an hour before the team officially starts giving COVID tests, so I could start class on time — told me I would get the results of the regular test on Monday. The nurse told me I was getting the regular test because of my symptoms. That’s fair.
I have to quarantine until I have those results. We’ll see what happens.
I feel like it’s just an out of season version of the annual congestion thing I get in February-March. I’m not worried. Also, I’m happy to stay home. I have the best internet there.