Cicada, yeh dead, Mon?? [In memoriam]

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

It seems like my cicada friend has kicked the bucket or is a really hard sleeper. I’d like to dedicate this post to the memory of the once bright-eyed, lethargic insect that I never got around to naming.

Eating it hard

Below is the first time we met some weeks ago. The unreasonably large flying bug introduces itself by crashing and falling/slamming into the concrete of my driveway.

He really ate it. Hard. It was the kind of impact where you have to wonder who survives that. Excited about a new free-range friend, I snapped these photos and posted them to Facebook.

This guy hit the ground and sounded like a raw steak getting slapped onto a counter top
Ugly but also really cool looking

Empty threats and intimidation

Here’s where the bug attempted to intimidate me about the photos I snapped then published online without its consent. I want to be clear, I think consent is fantastic and should be made cool again.

Nice try, Cicada, but you’re not getting the pictures back

Cicada? Yeh dead, Mon?!

This morning doesn’t look good for the old boy. I had to meet a Turo driver, so I’ve been in and out of my garage. This concrete seems to be Cicada Joe’s final resting place…I’m naming it Cicada Joe for the remainder of this post.

In death, we have a name. His name was Cicada Joe. (Joke credit: Fight Club (1999) )

Carry on, my wayward bug. There’ll be peace when you are done

I wonder if Joe lived the life he wanted. I wonder if he made some of his dreams come true. These are difficult times, and it’s tough to see the hardworkers among us pass away so unexpectedly.

Maybe Cicada Joe should’ve gotten vaccinated.

In memoriam

In addition to this post and memory space used by the high quality images, I’m dedicating the creation of a new Post Category to my green, ugly, flying friend: Wildlife. Within the Wildlife category, I’ll post about nature and nature stuff.

Also, it looks like I’ll need to draw a Black Jack of All Trades (BJAT) wearing a black suit for mourning posts. That will be fun. I hadn’t created a new one since the Popcorn BJAT.

Black Jack of All Trades by Michael  P Wright
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