Turo Trip #4 ended this morning, and driver #5 took off in the CRV 3 hours after. I got another booking for July since I posted about Turo last.
Now officially for the month of July on one day in this month is not booked for my midsize SUV. All but one day has the CRV on a trip, leaving for a trip, or returning for a trip. That makes a statistic I’m very happy with – 30/31 days dedicated to paying its own bills.
How cool is that? Seriously, I’m geeking out a little bit.
Feature discovered
In the Turo app, I discovered a feature for setting the hours I’m willing to meet someone to receive or return my car: Pickup & return hours.
This morning at a 5am dropoff of the CRV, I figured out that I don’t want to receive my car back at 5am. It’s dark out, and I have to set an alarm. That feels way too much like work, and I don’t want this Turo experiment – any part of it – to feel like work.

I was happy to modify my available hours to a window that’s more reasonable — 0600-2300. Sure, I’ll still have to set an alarm for 6am pick/drop-off, but at least there will be sunglight.
I’m not willing to inconvenience myself on a level where I’ll be available any hours. I’m not that dedicated to this business at the moment.