
Song: The Storm is Over Now

Aging legacy Black Jack of All Trades by Michael P Wright for michaelpwright.com

Kirk Franklin music is major part of my childhood. This morning, I woke with The Storm is Over Now in my head.

It’s on one of my favorite albums, God’s Property. Not just favorite gospel music albums but top favorites albums ever. Kirk Franklin can write the stew out of a song! The dude is a genius.

Eastern Star: Singing was made cool

I grew up in church and singing in the choir was understood as a requirement where my dad first started preaching, Eastern Star Baptist Church. This was the church Mom Johnson (my paternal grandmother) loved and never missed a Sunday. Choir membership wasn’t granted by talent or tryouts, it was a required as going to school.

That time at Eastern Star singing with my sister, cousins, and friends was the most fun I had in church. We would sing Kirk Franklin songs on our own if our musician, Steve Royster, wasn’t going to play. Singing was cool.

…Pretty much any of the albums from the 1990s take me back to my childhood and singing some Kirk Franklin song outside the church on Wednesday night after choir rehearsal while we waited to get picked up.

Michael Wright, remembering Eastern Star Baptist Church

God’s Property, Nu Nation, and Kirk Franklin and the Family – pretty much any of the albums from the 1990s – take me back to my childhood and singing some Kirk Franklin song outside the church on Wednesday night after choir rehearsal while we waited to get picked up.

So today, I’ll probably listen to at least two Kirk Franklin produced albums straight through.

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