You are what you speak

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I am a firm believer that you are what you speak.

This morning, I am remembering when I was first introduced to the idea of self talk. There was a therapist I was seeing while I was stationed in Shaw. I believe I initially went because of the way I was feeling about my failing marriage.

Of course, the concept of self talk is basic, but it’s also very effective. In short, you will believe the things you tell yourself about yourself — whether you say good or bad things.

And example of something I stop telling myself was that I‘m bad at planning. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not delusional: I aware that structuring tasks is not one of my strengths. I just stopped tell myself I’m poor at planning to allow myself room to improve.

I’m not bad at it. I’m just not the best.

I got a reach out to that therapist by the way. I want that guy to help me write a book.

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