When I get a plug-in hybrid

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

When I finally upgrade to a plug-in hybrid, I’m going to let everyone cut in front of me

Other drivers will be all “Wow! What a swell fella!”

I’ll be all ‘please after you. I am in no hurry at all!

… no fast accelerating from this guy!

…I’ll get there when I get there! Gosh darn it!

Rush hour, smush hour! Where’s the fire?

…oh, look a yellow light! I’d better play it safe!

…Cruise Control on a 35 mph road? Don’t mind if I do!’

People are gonna nickname me No Rush Gus when I get my plug-in hybrid. I might even like driving in Atlanta when I get my hybrid!

I’m gonna try to go two weeks at a time on one charge. At the moment, I have my eyes on the Honda Clarity.

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