After my VA examination appointment in Hoover yesterday, I stopped in New Castle to see my mom. Two tornadoes touched down in central Alabama and most of my driving was through rain storms – included flooding. Today is just fine, however.
The appointment went well. It turns out I’ve never understood what sciatica is, but I was educated. I blame pain doctors for asking me for years the same question “do you get any pain down your leg?” without specifying that said pain includes the hips. Imagine the holy sh*t moment I had.
If when you’re experiencing back pain and you can barely lift you left leg to walk up stairs, that means YOU FEEL PAIN GOING TO YOUR LEGS. lol Cheezus crackers
Later, I went back to my military records and sure enough each chiropractor diagnosed me with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.
Good Talk with Gram
My mother and I had a good talk about my problems and her younger experiences. She put me on to a potential remedy for depression and coping with stress that I hadn’t considered — Jesus.
The Snail Who Almost Had a Bad Day under My Timberland Boot
Here’s a snail that was on the stairs of my parents’ front porch. This guy was clearly having the time of his life during the rainstorm. He happened to be chillin’ on the first step, and I also smashed him.
I decided to post his photo online without his consent as punishment for making me slip and almost have a really bad day.