
Alternate Gina Carano Headlines

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

These are what headlines about Gina Carano look like right now:

Gina Carano was fired from Disney because her ground game is garbage not because of her political views.

Gina Carano was fired because she wore socks with Crocks on set not because of her political views.

Gina Carano was fired because she saves bacon grease not because of her political views.

Gina Carano was fired because she puts sugar in grits not because of her political views.

Gina Carano was fired because she poured Skittles into a dish of plain M&Ms at Disney HQ not because of her political views.

She was fired because she ate Starbursts without taking off the wrapper not because of her political views.

She was fired because she uses men’s Right Guard not because of her political views.

She was fired because she puts raisins in potato salad not because of her political views.

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