Last night, I had a flying dream. What was unique about this one is that I was in an Iron Man suit. A little bit of background by the way: I am aware that I’m dreaming when I dream, and because of that I always try to fit flying into the plotline. In a way, that makes all of my dreams flying dreams.
The dream started with myself, my dad, and my two kids (ages 5 and 7) fishing from a canoe. We fished in a lake and wrapped up by parking the boat at a peer before unloading our gear (Do people say park boats?). My dad asked me to get the boat, and somehow in this dream, the act of lifting a boat out of a body of water and carrying it is completely normal. So, I picked up the boat to carry it to whoever’s (yes, I also thought this should be whomever because the object of a preposition and whatnot but spellcheck said ‘nope.) vehicle we used for the trip, but my dad and the kids left without me and the suddenly hand-carrying-size boat.
I didn’t want to fly home with the boat because that would use way too much of my suit’s power, and also why the hell did they leave without me? I set the boat in the grass near the lake. Then, I flew completely vertically above that spot, so I could keep an eye on the boat while I looked for my dad’s escaping truck.
In the air, I reached a height I couldn’t go beyond which is something that’s extremely upsetting for me as both the dream architect and protagonist. What is upsetting specifically is that I don’t like rules in my World of Pure Imagination, but I almost always manage to surprise myself with parameters I’ve created. Subsequently, I was forced to fly over and between buildings looking for the vehicle with no luck.
I would eventually fly through a building tall enough that I could fly over or around. The building was a maze-like structure that was equal parts parking deck, factory, and prison. It was insanely frustrating to fly inside the building’s open floor plans and fenced walls that I pissed myself off so much I woke from the dream.
Flying in the suit was great. Fishing with the kids and PawPaw was awesome enough. But I wasn’t happy at the conclusion which set me up for a not so great mood this morning.