
A disturbing conversation with a fellow entrepreneur

black jack of all trades

Recently, I had a conversation with a new entrepreneur friend about our respective goals for our companies. The successful entrepreneur has had success for over 8 years as a one-person agency. I asked if her plan is to remain a one person company or hire out to spread her client work among a team, employees, etc.

She adamantly expressed her intent to do all the work herself as a one person show. I acknowledged and understood. However, when I answered the question, she became defensive about my response.

My response was that I intend to hire out smarter and more capable people. I explained my ability to learn new skills is withering with age, and I’d like to offer services and products that I won’t likely be able to learn the skills to accomplish — with respect to my age and all.

The younger entrepreneur told me that my goal of advancing my agency to the be able to hire employees was arrogant and that my company should grow naturally. I’m a curious person, so I asked her specifically how my idea seemed arrogant.

She went on to say that my expectation of being the lead of a large company was the no-no according to her rationale. I should note that shortly after another similarly alarming conversation, the person and I stopped talking.

This conversation was one week ago, and it still bothers me. I have to understand things, and this is something I can’t add up no matter how much I think about it. What is arrogant about creating jobs for kids and young people like I was? Anyway, I’ve decided that I can’t make sense of it because it didn’t make sense.