Today, there are so many ways to create and sell your creations. I’ve had t-shirt ideas I’ve been sitting on for years. I don’t think I could tell you exactly why except that I feel like I should be able to do everything myself.
There’s an insane number of companies who will take your designs, print your designs on something, ship the orders to buying customers, and send you a check for a piece of the sale. Of course, these companies will bend you over a barrel when cutting your check, but the arrangement is still smarter than buying up and printing a bunch of t-shirts that might not sell.
Anyway, I’m totally projecting, yes. And also, I’m totally convincing myself to stop dragging my feet and get some of these creative ideas out there to see what gets a nibble.
A longer post made Private
This morning, I published a post about money and taxes that I made Private. How can you access the post and see all other Private posts? I’m glad you asked.
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