
Business Card vs Business Pen

CRT Logo for Say More Multimedia Marketing by Michael Wright SM³

I’m subscribed to Moo® newsletter, and they do a great job keeping running promotions. There are some things I want to change on my business card, so I’m regularly tempted to reorder. This morning, was one of those mornings where I almost added ‘reorder business cards’ to my To-Do list, then I thought of the inevitable fate that business cards meet – an Abyss of Forgottenness like one’s wallet, desk draw, or trash can.

I like the idea of giving a business card that hat some usefulness like a pen, for example. I’ve visited a handle of businesses who have really nice complimentary pens – some even have stylus pens – where the business’s information is printed on the pen.

Business Pen is genius

I think the first business I noticed who were giving out pens with their names on them was hotels. Eventually, banks started too. It’s brilliant.

Of course, a business pen is free advertising for the company, but more significant is that a pen is 100 times more useful than a small piece of paper that already has stuff written on it.

Now, the one thing that could take the free pen up a notch is a getting QR code on there that’s readable. Then, you save the person a step in having to type out a website URL.

QR Code level up

Why is a QR code cooler than a basic homepage link? I’m glad you asked. With a QR code, you can control the URL the QR code points to. This means at any time you can take a person directly to a campaign or funnel.