
Social Media and a better mood

The Facebook

I’ve been scrolling less on social media sites. Plainly put, I’m consuming in shorter bursts of time. I didn’t plan it (naturally, planning wouldn’t work anyway). I wanted to see if I felt better throughout the day if I didn’t give myself less negative things to think about.

I sign-in to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with the intention to entertain myself. Typically, what leads me to closing an app is seeing one or more negative (meaning sad, anger-invoking, celebrity-related incident, etc) in a series.

So, I clock-in for some happy feelings but leave because of crappy feelings. Recently, I senses the pattern.

Now, I’ve been experimenting — as I do — with whether I can extend my good moods throughout each day by shortening my social media sessions.

Seems to be going well. I definitely get for stuff done during daylight hours.

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