Chipmunk Bro

CRT Logo for Say More Multimedia Marketing by Michael Wright SM³

While on a Zoom call with a client’s team, a chipmunk was running back and forth across my patio. I tried to catch a video of him with my other phone. One trip, I caught him carrying something black. I would’ve guessed Chipmunk Bro was carrying a cricket, but I couldn’t see legs on the black object.

This little guy made at least 6 passes. He’s eating SOMETHING. Seems like he’s hit a gold mine. It made me feel really Disney-like. Something I envy about animals is that they just do work. They do what needs to be done without regard to their feelings about it – mostly because many of them don’t have that part of the brain.

Better Brains for Getting Things Done

We, human beings, like to think that we’re superior animals. But we’re gifted and cursed by our emotional capacity. It would be convenient to be able to switch off our feelings when dealing with doing work — accomplishing tasks.

Developing habits seems to be our best chance to detach from our feelings and get things done.


There are humans who are masters at disconnected from emotional responses. The irony is that we call those people psychopaths and lock them away OR we make them CEOs.

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