I Want to Like Exercising Again

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

Yesterday, I popped one of my permanent retainers off. This morning, I went to my dentist to have it repaired, and she told me a friend of hers has been working out at the gym on base.

I’ve been waiting for some kind of announcement that the gym was open again so I could save my $24 a month that I’ve been paying to go to a civilian gym that takes me 25 minutes to drive to.

So, I’m not happy that Redstone didn’t do a good job at getting the word out about the gym being opened again. But, I am happy that the gym is open again.

Want to Like Exercising Again

I want to like exercising again. The last time working out was fun was when CrossFit was new to me and a short amount of time after I started coaching at a CrossFit gym.

If I can afford it, I might get another CrossFit gym membership. Aside from working out where someone else does the programming, CrossFit filled a social need I have.

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