
Budgeting Spreadsheets

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I’ve been saving each month’s budget using the same budget template since I was active duty. I’ve been using it at least 6 years in all.

This morning while going number 1, I thought of things I need to get done. September’s budget is on that list as well as separating SM3’s expenses into it’s own budget spreadsheet.

Something else that dawned on me (pun intended) about the way I’ve been saving monthly budgets. For all the years I’ve used this same template, today I had the thought ‘Why not just make each month a new worksheet inside the same file? That way, I have one file for every year instead of 12 spreadsheet files’.

It’s bizarre that I never thought of this. Doing the budgets that way also makes it easier to calculate annual expenses – and annual everything else too.
