Today, I launched a client’s website. It was a 5-week build that went from idea to product. My client loves the website, and damn it feels good.
It’s refreshing feeling like my skills have been validated again. This one-man show thing had been pretty discouraging. Recall a recent post where I complained about being stood up for free consults. FREE.
Anyway, that’s been a blow to my pride and caused some serious doubt about this work.
Limiting Access
One of the reasons I built a automation for scheduling consults is so I could limit who I give a free hour. To give context, there is no link on my to my Consult Calendar. I send the web page’s URL to a person that has told me directly they want to talk about a website.
Yes, the system worked to limit access to me, but it also got me consults. Before launching that page, no one person had ever contacted me for a free consult through the website. Zero people. I’m not exaggerating.
Since the beginning of, I’ve had a button linked to a pop-up for scheduling booking a consult and a link to my Contact Me page for sending a message about scheduling. No one ever bit.
Ideal Client, Target Customer, Customer Avatar
All those buzzwords for that ideal Client…My client who’s the website owners of the site I launched today is as close to my ideal Client as I’ve gotten so far. Here’s what that person looks like:
- He/She has had or currently runs a business
- He/She knows the end goal of their project
- He/She knows the operating costs of their business
- He/She asks questions
- He/She trusts my expertise and decision-making skills
- He/She doesn’t ask me to sell or prove my skillset to them
- He/She has been in the military has had experience leading groups of other adults and experience in being a decisive manager
- He/She doesn’t miss meetings
So, my quest now is to put other systems in place to attract that ideal Client. Maybe it’s screening people a little better before I invite them to schedule a consult. Maybe it’s taking my free consults down to 30 minute calls. I have a survey/quiz I’m working on to automate this screening process: help website visitors determine if they’re ready to hire a Web Designer.
Carving a Path for Ideal Clients
I notice a lot of the same questions repeat during consults, so I’ve been making collecting them. I have a good amount of questions that work like a flowchart to give a person one of two final results: 1) Option to schedule a call with me after joining my email list 2) Give a list of resources I trust/use to help the visitor get farther along. Both options will allow a person to download their results in a pdf file with a timestamp (I think it could be useful to see your progress after sometime in case you come back to take the survey again). I’ll also give them the option to email the results to themselves as a PDF. This one will probably be best for growing my email list.
Anyway, that’s what I’m thinking about today. It feels finer than a frog hair to have a happy client.
I’ll be talking about the project more soon.