Trying Something New with the Way I Argue

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I study people like I’m getting a grade for it. That’s who I am. That’s what I do.

I’m trying something new with the way I argue/debate. I came to understand the other persons point of view and/or what drives it.

It feels like the most objective way I can approach a difference of opinions.

Pivoting my goal in an argument from being right to understanding the other person will fast-track my [understanding people]

Understand People

People are complex creatures.

I think that pivoting my goal in an argument from being right to understanding the other person will fast-track my learning.

I believe this because I have a living example who has shown me indirectly that it works.

If you go to my father with a problem, you’ll notice he’s not doing most of the talking. He’s offering very little judgment. He’s listening to understand.

It’s a new concept for me. I’m going to give it a try and see what happens.

I’m going to predict the outcome is that I’ll develop a better sense of objectivity and better preserve my inner peace.

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