Tomorrow, my son will be 7 years old. He’s ready for it. I was folding some laundry, and he said to me, – the guy that planted him and held him on Day 1 and gave him 3/5 of his face – “Dad, don’t forget my birthday is tomorrow.”
He was serious, and I couldn’t hold back my smile. I looked down and said “OK, son.”
I’ve thought about launching his website (Earlier this year, I bought *.com domain names for both the kids. My son’s follows the format of mine with firstname-middleinitial-lastname. My daughter’s domain is her firstname-middlename.). The timing just doesn’t make sense. The kids don’t have their own computer yet, so we’re far from learning websites.
Full Speed ahead with Creating Videos
I am going to set him up with some video camera time at home. He wants to talk about games. He doesn’t care if you’re listening or not. His descriptions are explicitly detailed, random, and enthusiastic.
I want to let him bring that energy into content creation. Even if we do nothing publicly with the videos, we’ll have reference material to help him learn solid communication skills.
My Daughter Refuses to Make it Easy for Me
My daughter loves the hell out of me. She really is a daddy’s girl. It would be convenient to say she has a behavior problem, but it’s just not accurate. She revs high; she has a sh*t temper. Her issue is a habit problem.
In short, she has a bag full of really bad habits. I won’t go into long explanations, because I don’t have the energy. Suffice it to say she struggles with heeding the authority of authority figures around her.
I really think we’ll be fine. In her moments that seem to span no more than a few minutes between flare-ups, I really want to fast-forward us all to her being a 22 years old. Or just yell into an open sky. I know we’ll be fine because her and her brother just need more time around their dad – more time with a meticulous disciplinary style.
Like I said, her problem is habits. She ridiculously intuitive and genuinely compassionate. I know when she nails down Followership, she’s going to be a leader of people.
Stand for Nothing or Sleep for Anything
Tonight, she was making noise in the room at bedtime. Walking around the room. Playing with toys.
I had her bring her noise-making toy to my room and stand with it near a corner next to closet door. We’d done this play for the first time some weeks ago. To me if you don’t want to go to sleep, then don’t go to sleep.
That first time, I stood her next to my bed for no more than 10 minutes, asked if she wanted to go to bed now, acknowledged her confirmation, and sent back in the room.
Tonight’s round – which I hoped we wouldn’t be doing again – she started sniffling at around 10 minutes. I had not particular time in mind nor had I set a timer. I figure I let her stand for between 12 to 15 minutes while I wrote this post. We went thru to same routine before I let her go back in the room to sleep. Not a one peep followed.
Why make it[parenting] easy for me? Ya know? I didn’t signup for a cake walk. Let’s do this.
In conclusion, my kids are dope.