A Dating App Noshow

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

Today, I went to a park to meet a woman I met in a dating app. We’d been talking regularly since before quarantine started, and decided to do the in-person thing.

I went to the designated place at the designated time and parked near her car. She wasn’t inside it, so I called her phone. Voice mail message. Weird. I texted a “Hey, I’m here by your car.” and got crickets.

After calling again and getting voicemail, I texted an I’m going home message and left the park. Within a couple minutes, my text showed green like what happens when a person’s phone is turned off or they’ve blocked your number. It was pretty bizarre.

I Put on Socks

I had cleaned up my beard, swapped boxers for boxer-briefs, and put on socks to leave home. Sure, the weirdness was pretty weird but didn’t upset me more than that I had to decide if these socks and underwear were still clean enough to put back into the dresser.

I decided they were clean enough. At most, I’d spent 20 minutes max in them.

Also, I was coding custom WordPress block and was in the zone. Leaving the parking lot of the park, one of my first thoughts was “dammit, I was in the zone”. I literally left home with just enough time to not be late for the designated meet time.

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