Mother’s Day

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I called my mom, but she didn’t pick up.

The rest of my mom’s picked up when I called.

New Baby Dogs

Tonight, I talked with both the kids. Our call was 25 minutes.

They updated me on everything. They remembered to tell their mom Happy Mother’s Day. Their cat “died magically” according to Aiden. They got two new “baby dogs” as Maddie called the new pups.

The baby dogs are Yorkie mixed with Chihuahua. They lick the kids’ faces. The boy is the black and yellow one who’s smaller and whose name is Joker, according to my son but not agreed with by my daughter. The girl puppy is the larger, but she doesn’t have a name yet. The kids have been calling the girl pup Girl.

I really like that they have dogs at their Mississippi house.

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