Therapy Would Help But I Don’t Want to Do It Again

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I don’t want to start more therapy. I just don’t.

Not that I don’t believe therapy could ultimately help me get more productivity and happiness in my life because I do. I think it could do all those things.

I just don’t want to go through the process of picking someone and establishing a report or not then having to pick someone else. I would rather use all of that time and energy to just work.

While Working I’ll Don’t Care about My Personality Flaws

When I’m working, I don’t care about how fragile my self-esteem is or how anxious and impulsive I am. Those things don’t matter to getting the work done.

Maybe that’s a better answer: I just need more clients. More clients mean more work which means more distraction from the broken things.

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