To summarize my ADHD screening/test results, I don’t have enough of the characteristics of someone with Adult ADHD.
That’s too bad because I really liked Adderall and how much work I got done in a day.
What I do have is Generalized Anxiety Disorder — what I interpret as my being wound up pretty tight.
Here’s a line I’m not super excited to have read in the report:
Michael’s reported history and current results provide evidence for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
with narcissistic and antisocial personality features.
Venting on Facebook Because Sometimes I Forget I Gave Myself an Entire Website for That
Facebook post:
I don’t have Adult ADHD, so no more sweet, sweet Adderall. But here’s a line from the test results — a line that I’m not completely comfortable reading about myself because it’s in my nature to deny select personality characteristics:
“Michael’s reported history and current results provide evidence for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
with narcissistic and antisocial personality features.”In summary, I’m wound up pretty tight and still feel like I’m better than everyone else
Also to note, the report came up with some clever ways of saying that I’m a good actor
My self-esteem is also made of glass. The report didn’t use metaphors; I came up with that line myself.
The irony is that some of you are like “yeah, that’s about right”Here’s another few lines from the report that I’m pretty sure at least one past therapist tried to explain to me. I must’ve blocked that sh*t out because me being me and all 😄 :
“Having learned to trust only himself, he may unknowingly take advantage of others and has difficulties trusting others, even with those who are close to him. Thus, his interpersonal relationships may be self-gratifying and fleeting. He appears to be unaware that his undependability and social exploitation are inconsiderate and presumptuous.“
If I could poetically summarize this excerpt…
Seems I never stopped playing chess
Seems the pieces walk around in flesh