I don’t remember doing book reports.
Read that again. I said that I don’t remember doing doing them. I remember they existed and that we were given the assignments in elementary school.
Full Circle
Today, I love book reports. I get to talk about how much I enjoyed a book. How cool is that?
In fact, I‘ve been reading so many audiobooks — mostly winners — that I’m itching to talk about them.
I’m bringing book reports to mikewriting.com. I really like talking about the awesome and mediocre books I’m reading.
Also, I think there’s a good deal of entertainment value in my written reviews.
There’s an opportunity to go all book club while also adding affiliate links to great books. I’m also considering a separate email list for subscribers to my Book Reports.
More will come on all of this. I’m still in the design phase with mikewriting.com. I’ve given it a ready-made Genesis Theme, so it can still generate traffic.