Today, I finished a workout. Walking to my car from the gym, I thought I don’t have a good excuse for not being fit.
I got nothing. This morning, I woke around 0630 on my own. I put on gym clothes, did some things on the Mac, drank some water & Apple cider vinegar, watched some Niel Patel videos, followed up on knowledge bombs by doing some things on the Mac, and left home around 0930 for the gym on Redstone Arsenal.
I Got Nothing
Not that I need to defend not being in shape, but here I am in the Pagano Gym parking lot typing into the WordPress app. The time is 1153 — or better said half of day light.
I don’t have paid work to knock out. I don’t have any consults. Nothing on my calendar until this evening that I’m obligated to participate.
I could easily spend 2 hours in the gym 6 days per week — in any gym or even outside. Whatever. I have more than enough time to lower my body fat.
I Could Totally Be in Shape
Geez. I could totally be in shape.
Initially, I figured I could get in an get in an hour of cardio after some lifting. Then, I decided to set a smaller goal for the easy win: 35 minutes of cardio after lifting.

In hindsight, I shouldn’t have picked the stair climber. That was an error, but I was comfortable enough with where the location of the machine was in the gym to stick with it.
The lifting part was low impact. I started with 3 rounds of 6-8 reps of strict shoulder press. Then, finished the lifting with deadlifts: 4 rounds of 10.
I’m not interesting in tracking amount of weights, because I’m going to spend a few months using weights that feel right for the rep counts I want to do.