Thoughts on Self-confidence

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

Confidence — particularly self-confidence, which will be implied throughout this post — was something I wanted to talk about today.

What came to me was idea that our confidence is always present in some part of our being. Things like doubt, pity, and disappointment in ourselves are symptoms of when we need to feel confident in one thing but the feeling is vacant.

I shared the theory with a friend to solicit feedback. Here are my messages:

I’ve been thinking a lot about confidence today…

I think our confidence is always present at some part of our psyche. It shifts. It’s fluid.

Maybe it’s healthier to lean in to where your confidence is in that moment as opposed to focusing on where you want that confidence to be. I say “you” to mean us, adults.

It’s a theory. It’s hard to quantify, but for some reason it just makes sense to me.

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