Via Facebook #TellSomeoneTuesday

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This morning, I looked at the greys in my post-military beard and thought “Dude, you didn’t even work that hard…”

On dating: A Mastermind Group is more attractive to me than a fling/girlfriend/wife

My daughter is 4 yrs old as of Dec, and she can’t identify each letter in the alphabet. Strangers continue to tell her how pretty she is. I’m worried about where her future self-esteem may be grounded. She’s SO damn good at talking that I’m in a hurry for her to learn reading to elevate her enunciating…But also, I got a Speak n Spell(yeah, they still make them!) in the mail for her. That makes me feel better 😊because if she doesn’t play with it, I will #hangmanonGawd

I told my son my “favorite number” and the mathematical expression to get the number (a certain single digit raised to a certain double digit power). The series is 9 digits – two of the numbers are higher than 4 so two digits have to be used. He memorized it and opened the lock repeatedly. I told him he just had his first lessons in Powers and Binary. The test is if he remembers the series or the expression two weeks later…That level of brain energy will not survive in a public school system. So, buy my books, read my blogs, and watch my Ted Talks so I can send my kids to the best schools. mallright?

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