A Mediocre Post for a Mediocre Day

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

Feels like I blinked then we were in the 4th week of January.

How did this happen?!

And do I really have nothing else to type about today?

These are the questions I’ll be asking myself in another edition of “At Least I Showed Up”…to journal today, that is.

New Word for My Kids: Mediocre

At Apple Bees for dinner yesterday, the kids played games on the table tablets. My son played a game similar to the classic Atari game called Breakout, which I had to Google because I didn’t remember the name.

After one of the stages is cleared, the game tells you how you how you did based on points like TERRIFIC or GREAT. My 6 year old son asked me “Dad, what med-OH-cree?” I asked him to say it again while I rotated the tablet toward me.

The game told him his last round was mediocre, and I said to him “That word is Mediocre’. Then, to him and the air, I said “Hmm — kind of a tough word for a kid’s game.” I explained that it means average, because more accurate definitions like unremarkable or unimpressive might give him more questions.

So a new word is being added to the list of words my kids are learning: Mediocre.

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