BDPA Meeting Could Be Another Win for Finding My People

Today, I attended a meeting of the B Date Processing Association’s Huntsville chapter.

I think I might’ve struck gold again with finding my people in this town.

Three days ago, I didn’t know this national organization ( aimed at bringing black children into Information Technology was a thing. I was invited to the meeting by a chapter officer who broke down the organizations mission and work.

How Did I Not Know

This is right in line with my personal vision of elevating children’s minds higher than environments that could be holding them back. I really can’t believe I didn’t know the BDPA existed.

After the meeting, I felt like I‘m one huge step closer to introducing my children to opportunities that constructively supplement/augment their public school education.

Exposure for Stimulation

I’m not sure I can articulate why I’m so obsessed with the children being exposed to different environments.

It’s important to me that they’re cultured — sensitive and respectful to other groups’ ways of life.

Also, I think that if they’re exposed to various environments, they’ll have the best chance to hone in on what they want to do for a living. As I’ve said to tell them “I’m not raising kids. I’m raising adults.”

In Conclusion

I’m excited. I’m seriously beyond geeked about supporting this network.

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