
My Son Taught Me a Card Game He Totally Didn’t Make Up

the kids sleeping in the Honda

Today, my son, the older of my two, introduced me to a card game called Liar.

It’s a lot like Go Fish except if you don’t have the card asked for, you can givegif any other card.

How to Win

At first, the way to win the game was to end up with all the other person’s cards or have more left. Then the objective of the game was too get rid of your cards first. Finally, you could only win the game called Liar by being the only player left holding cards.

It was pretty awesome watching my son’s imagination work and go through eureka! moments remembering rules of the game. He’s not great at talking, and it’s evident (to me) that his mouth can’t keep up with his brain. Not even close.


It goes without saying that this instance will be the only time he ever beats me in a card game.

#playforkeeps #mykidsaredope

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