Offering Less Unsolicited Advice

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I’ve been dialing back giving unsolicited advice.

It’s kinda nice. I don’t do as much talking. Seems like I listen pretty seriously for clues that someone is asking.

I’m looking hard for those hints.

Resist the Fix

I thought it would be harder to hold my tongue, because I want to fix things. It’s my thing. That’s where my brain goes.

I’m not naturally a jiffy person — probably because I put all people on the same plane. So my need to offer a fix action doesn’t come from a place of “this is better”. It more of a “this might help”.

The Gift Analogy

Opinions are treated just like any gift. When it’s asked for, it’s appreciated more. When it’s given and the receiver didn’t ask or doesn’t feel like it’s something useful, they’ll disgard it.

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