Extrovert Education: Lesson 001

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I self identify as a textbook extrovert.

Today, I want to drop some Extrovert Education.

Extroverts vibe off the energy around them. They can’t ignore it. They cannot turn off their sensitivity to it.

In any group scenario, some extroverts passively engage with the energy (observation) while some extroverts act to set the parameters (assertion).

In instances where that energy is disturbing, distracting, or uncomfortable, an extrovert is left with two choices: 

  1. Change the energy — by way of controlling/manipulating
  2. Separate from the energy — bail

Based on observation, when option 1 is not an option and the energy must be endured, an extrovert will withdraw emotionally and/or seek distraction. 

Look for Examples

Like anything I boldly proclaim out loud, you’re welcome to validate. Here’s some questions that could help:

  • Is the extrovert that doesn’t enjoy attending meetings, corporate functions, or events higher or lower in the management hierarchy?
  • Is the extrovert more likely to host a party or event than attend another’s?
  • Does the extrovert’s energy seem off, lower, or drained when spending extended periods of time in environments where they have little control or authority?
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