Leaving a Relationship Where It Is

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

Today, I understand that longevity is not enough reason to preserve a relationship.

Relationships are important to me. I’m a people person and people pleaser. It’s tough for me to let go of people.

I don’t want to do it. I want to breathe life back into it. I want it to survive. I’ve invested so much time.

Bears No Fruit

A fruitless relationship, whether personal or business is just that: fruitless. Both time and experiences change people. Sometimes, they change in different directions.

Did you send 38-year-old version of me doesn’t believe in cutting off, are canceling, or going out with Fireworks.

It makes more sense to acknowledge and understand what you both do for each other. Then quietly keep your relationship within those lanes.

That way you don’t expect anymore or any less from them.

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