Tell Someone Tuesday 8 Oct 19

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

Tell Someone Tuesday

1. I’m a converted ambidextrous person. 24 years on this side. #noweakhand

2. I won’t argue with you if we’re not working toward agreeing/middleground. I’ll bail. You win.

3. Recently, I’m obsessed with two things: peace and outsourcing. My little brother is the main inspiration of my pursuit of peace. Tim Ferriss is to blame for the desire to outsource. Both ideas intertwine like the braids in a rope

4. This year, I began thinking of my kid’s mother as a caretaker/nanny that I pay monthly to care for the children. I announced it to my mom jokingly. As a hired nanny, there is no need to be friends or kind — only professional. That makes our transactions and interactions all business. And also in that light, what I’m paying for the hours is an outstanding deal. Or as I said to my mom, “…she goes above and beyond.” You might laugh or groan at this. But the lie gives me more peace than expecting one day we’ll be amicable or friends again. Perception is reality, right?

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