Shit Energy and Why I Let Me Look Like the Bad Guy

black jack of all trades

Today, I let someone else’s shitty energy seep into mine.

Just a sprinkle. A dab. A smidgen, if you will.

But it was just enough to trigger my self-doubt reflex. And I wondered “How do people make me feel like the bad guy so effortlessly?”

How? How they pull it off?

Or a better question: Why hasn’t my skin thickened enough to see it coming and deflect?

Angry Waiter Scenario

It’s like the scenario where you’re at a nice restaurant and your waiter is a super asshole. Now of course, he/she isn’t mad at you. You just met, and he was pissed off when he put down the silverware and menu.

Your logic brain tells you this person can’t possibly be upset with you. You given no reason provoke them to anger. This person is clearly mad about any combination of things you’re not responsible for causing.

But there you sit — flustered, standoff-ish, defensive. Plotting to leave the worse tip ever — like a wet single dollar bill with the corners torn off pressed into the mashed potatoes with a spoonful of lemonade in the center so the scene looks like a lake between mountains on a sunny day.

And why?

Because it’s damn near impossible to not be affected by that shit energy. Not for you, buddy. Not the way you’re wired.

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