Why Do I Care Less about a Thing Gifted to Me

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

This morning, I thought about why we see less value in things given to us versus things we buy. Actually, I just thought about why I’m like that.

I think the key is ownership.

On my last trip to Alabama, my mom sent me off with a bag of yellow apples. I don’t remember what the circumstances were: whether she tried and didn’t like them; she had two many, etc.

While making breakfast, I remembered the apples and that I hadn’t eaten one (I usually have a gigantic green apple each morning to knock out medications). I thought about throwing the bag away. Yeah, without even trying a yellow apple.

I’m positive that throwing away that bag of probably perfect apples wouldn’t have even crossed my mind if I’d bought them. Quite certain.

Doesn’t Feel Like Mine

And why? Because a gift isn’t something that I invested my time or hard-earned money to receive. Not directly. Not in my brain.

It’s not mine. I don’t own it.

In my deep thought about, I won’t bother judging whether this is good/bad or normal/asshole. But I definitely want to talk this out.

Why don’t I feel like I own things given to me?🤔

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