
I’m Angry and Shouldn’t Have Superpowers

I’m angry. Very, very angry.

But I’m not violent.

Today, I drove to South Carolina for a medical appointment that involved needles, lidocaine, epideral steroid, and a herniated vertibral disk. Don’t gasp. The steroid is a piece of cake in comparison to the radiofrequency ablation I used to get: 3 needles, 3 times as much lidocaine, 3 different spots, 2 different sides(1 week apart), 90 seconds of sharp burning each needle location.

I got to South Carolina and the car through an maintenance code. Turns out I was at 15% oil capacity. Being that I outsource vehicle maintenance, I was left with two choices. I could have business then drive 4 hours back to McDonough and get the car serviced.

Getting Medical Records from Former PCM Office

As 4pm crept closer, I called the Doctor’s office to find out when the closed. I assumed correctly it was 5pm.

My Honda is done, I pay the bill, grab a brochure about the plugin hybrid Honda Clarity that’s inexplicably not flying off showroom floors.

I drive to the doctor’s office and pull the handle on a locked door at 4:24pm.

I immediately become very, very angry. I just want a piece of paper that I can fill out and slide under the damn door.

Lights off. No movement inside. I was told they closed at 5pm. In the case that they stop taking patients at 4 or 4:15 or 4:20pm, the gotdamn sign on the door should not say 5pm is the close time.

Who’s reading and planning their doctor’s visit based on the published business hours? The same people who only care about the ACTUAL time they can walk in the door!

Don’t Kick That Pole

After knocking a lot and speaking into the door crack that I just “need a record release form”, I turned around and positioned myself to sidekick a post on the porch.

But I didn’t want to kick that pole. I just wanted all of my rage to instantly disappear. Neither of those things happened.

But I did come to the conclusion that if I could have kicked that post with no damage to my foot, I wouldn’t have murdered it. I can almost hear the crunching sound. It would’ve looked like a visual effects from a Stephen Chow movie.

And that’s why I shouldn’t have superpowers!

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