
Prenuptial Agreement and Marriage

A friend posed a question on social media:

“Conversation piece: how do you feel about prenups and why? if you agree with them how would you like to see your’s written? What would you include? and if you don’t agree make a really strong case as to why you don’t”

I eagerly offered my opinion to suggest that entering a marriage should be met with no less scrutiny than a business partnership. My response:

“I believe in the pre-nup [prenuptial agreement]

It should be done just like you’re going into a business partnership

After being through marriage and divorce, it seems like poor planning to go into such a serious agreement without plans for protecting/securing your assets”

Is It Not a Business Partner

I understand how it may seem harsh or faithless. But for just a moment, consider marriage as objectively as you can – even if you’re wildly in love right now, especially, especially if you’re engaged right now.

It’s not a backhanded slight to the other person. It’s not an act in faithlessness. Simply put, it’s being responsible.

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