
Lucid Dreams: Flying for No Reason

Last night’s dream had two parts: a rally to lock down a neighborhood in revolt of some atrocity and my being an FBI/CIA agent evading fellow agents.

In both dreams I could fly and did fly.

Floating at the Meeting for No Reason

In the first dream, a meeting was held in the intersection of two wide streets with the neighborhood residents attending. A black man was using a bullhorn to address the crowd — he had a KRS-One vibe. I recall sitting on a rooftop listening — I don’t remember anything being said. I scooted off the edge of roof to fly over the crowd.

For no reason at all, I levitate in slow circles centering around the guy speaking. I was high enough to not be distracting (no one was bothered) and low enough to hear the speech.

Something to note about the setting was that it was definitely New York. It felt and looked like scenery from She Gotta Hate It series — even the colors. I’m sure the setting crept into my dream because last week, I watched Season 2 of the show on Netflix over two day period.

Secret Agent vs Secret Agency

The second dream started with me running toward a moving train. Two secret agents I knew were chasing me. It felt like a Jason Bourne situation.

What I wasn’t able to put together was if I had gone rogue and being pursued for a crime or if my co-workers had become bad guys. Either way, I needed to get on that moving train, so I jumped and flew onto it escaping the guys shooting at me. Also, I just realized I didn’t have a gun.

I almost never have a weapon in these running-chasing dreams.

I suspect the train appeared because last Thursday I watched Dark Phoenix opening night. OR it could be that I was catching up on the American Gods TV series earlier last week and got to see the rescue of Shadow by Laura and the Leprechaun. I read the book before this second season of American Gods aired, so I watch it to connect to the book.

Eventually, I ended up in a factory and flew around inside of it just beneath the roof to look for high-up hiding spots. A young lady invited me to hide in a net. In hindsight, it was a good hiding space, but she was very much into me in a grownup way. I couldn’t place her face as anyone I knew. She was a petite Latina woman. Although I couldn’t place who she was, we were very familiar like we had been a fling or couple in the past.

I don’t remember anything else from that one, and my boxers remained dry.

Flying is Cool Even if I Have to Wake Up

I fly when I want. That’s my favorite part. It also seems like I can control how people react to me flying where they’re either in awe or they act like flying is a thing I do as common as chewing gum.

I think saying “lucid dreams” has become a redundancy. When I dream (pretty much when I sleep in my bed), it’s a lucid one.

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