I Passed Prequisite Course for a Coding School called Sabio

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I passed the assessment for Sabio’s Prework (prerequisite course).

I’m in. Next step is to get scheduled for class. I’m asking for a Sep start date.

I want to be moved back to Alabama and have a divorce settled. The family court date is set for mid-July if we don’t reach a settlement.

We won’t reach a settlement. My kid’s mom has no reason to settle. She’s no longer a decent person. She has primary physical custody of the kids, a court-approved visitation that shits in my being able to see the kids, and she’s getting child support in an amount based on my active duty pay.

So yeah just like for the last 8 months, there won’t be any settlement. Her attorney ignores mine.

What was I talking about again??

Oh, right coding school. I want to be completely moved back to Alabama, completely done with court dates, and have a fair schedule to keep the kids.

I would’ve asked for August, but there are no class dates starting that month. So I’m requesting September.

Damn it’s gonna be good being back in Alabama. I’m also looking for some rental property in it near Huntsville to invest in. I don’t want to rent when I get there.

Actually, I’ll just declare it. I’m not renting. I’ll either get a multi-family or stay at my parent’s until I find one.

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