Coding School Prerequisite Course Wraps This Week (Round 2)

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Week 4 of Sabio PreWork Round 2 has arrived.

And just in time, because I’m losing interest in coding school. Not the learning part. I still want to learn more and build my ideas.

This where the conflict is right now. In class, I will flip between files to work on the project one of the two projects I keep going back to building.

I’m already in the “doing phase” of learning to code. But I still have to pass this test. Week 4 is where we take the assessment. If we pass, we get invited to select a cohort start date to the full-time, 12-week Full Stack Developer Course.

That’s where we get to actually DO. Based on Instructors descriptions, classes often are tasked to build reworld projects for companies. It’s practical.

There has to be some level of learning too, because we have Node.js and ReactJS to learn according to the curriculum.

I’ll get my head into the lesson material and pass the assessment this time.

But if I don’t pass this time, fuck it. I have 4 library cards, LinkedIn Learning, and a OREILLY Learning (formerly Safari Books Online) to learn programming. I won’t have an problems learning what I need to for projects.

The other reason I wouldn’t try again with Sabio is the use of time. I have to earn an income with the time I’m using. I literally can’t afford to go through 3 nights a week for 4 weeks of coding education and not get paid for it. At least if I was in cohort, I’d be getting full or partial Base Allowance for Housing. (Reminder: the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation Program pays tuition to the school once I’m accepted).

I’m getting offers for Web Developer work. Work that pays for my time. Now I’m at a point financially where I HAVE TO way time against earnings.

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