Following Zero Instagram Accounts

For one of my active Instagram accounts, I follow no other accounts.

I’ve seen other accounts do it – mostly brands or celebrities. My reason is because I have 4 active IG accounts, and I want to intentionally limit my total number of timelines/feeds to follow.

I wonder if that’s why other users do it. My I’ll ask someone eventually. I’m sure there’s an infinite number of reasons:

  • Like I mentioned, maybe they don’t want to be tempted to scroll.
  • Maybe they only use it to output content.
  • Maybe they don’t even like Instagram and hire someone to maintain the account.

I wonder.

That’s one of 1000 things I thought of today.

This is the IG account I use to get baffling questions out of my head and swirl them around in someone else’s – like when someone starts humming a song and it gets stuck in your head:

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