No Bad Human Beings Allowed

Sometimes we can be shit human beings to strangers.

I had a medical appointment today. So, I had to leave home and drive.

On the interstate, I had to pass someone on the right because they were cruising in the left lane. Driver had at least an eighth of a mile distance from the nearest car in front of them. But there they were driving in the left lane, being a total liability.

When I passed, I looked over to see if maybe they were scrolling on the phone, looking for something inside the car, or whatever. No. They were doing none of that.

I started thinking that maybe they’re just having a bad day and they’re thinking to themselves “Screw everybody else in the world right now”.

Then I thought how cool is it that if I‘m having a bad day — where I might potentially be a shit human being to strangers — that I can just stay at home. I don’t have to go somewhere and punch a clock to add on top of a bad mood.

Today, I just want to say this out loud to remind me to not take this privilege for granted.

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