Mikewriting.com, Book 2, Least Copyable Intellectual Property

black jack of all trades by Michael P Wright default

I’ve been thinking more about structuring MikeWriting.com as an author hub.

I’m really bought into the idea of releasing my first book for free. I don’t mean the collection of short stories. I mean book 2 — I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned book 2.

Book 2 is about the myth of “original ideas”. It’s adapted from a speech I haven’t yet given. I was inspired to starts the draft after hearing a point Malcolm Gladwell made on a live interview.

This is the book I will offer free in text and narrated (pssh of course narrated!).

Also, I’ve been thinking a lot about intellectual property. While one can take content and from other authors and shoehorn those ideas into their own book, writing still feels like the most uncopyable form of intellectual property. Or maybe it’s that it’s the easiest to be called out on when readers pick up on the recycled message. Maybe it’s that a book is easiest to be called out on when readers pick up on the recycled messages.

I don’t know. That’s an opinion.

Another opinion is that a book written that uses references to artists, leaders, authors, etc to support destroying the belief in the original idea should be met by readers with a sense of irony.

For the guy writing such a book, the theres fun (and a little humor) because the act of using references supports the main premise of the book. HA!

It’s like being a black suntan oil salesman. How can anyone not believe you?!

I really laughed out loud.

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