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Finished Book Anansi Boys; Mike Writing Book Club on Site Relaunch

I finished Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman*.

It’s a bittersweet finish. I thought it was a little bit slow initially, then I couldn’t put it down.

I won’t recap the book completely, but I’ll say it was a fun intertwining of stories in one.

I’ve written review and tucked in away in an Evernote note. With the relaunch of Mike Writing, I’m starting a book club.

I’ll have a page with details about the books I’ve read and am currently reading. I haven’t locked in exactly what info I’ll include with each title. At minimum, I’ll include title, author, 1-2 paragraph review (300 words max), book format I read, and affiliate where-to-buy links. Some other items I’m thinking of including is an explanation of why I chose the book and when I finished (including if I’ve read it multiple times).

I really like the ideas of having a separate email subscription list just for book talk.

I’m never short of titles because I read them back to back. With fiction titles, I almost always read the audiobook versions. Biographies and self-help (not read by author) I pick up the paperbacks.

It’ll give me multiple ways to reference books in my writing. I think it might add a little bit of creditability in the content as well.

I really like the idea of it. When I was brainstorming about pulling it off, I discovered that Pat Flynn has one on smartpassiveincome.com. After that I knew, that I’m definitely making one.

*Affiliate link to Amazon or other online store. I receive a commission when an item is purchased from the linked online store. If purchasing, THANK YOU!

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