Divorce: Hearing One

Tomorrow is a hearing for my divorce.

The hearing is to modify a very unfair temporary order and modify child support.

I decided not to attend. My attorney is proactive and capable. Took too long to find her. Took to many credit card charges to other attorneys.

I decided not to go because I don’t want to be in that town and not see my children. It takes longer to sleep. I forget to eat. I hate being in the city limit.

This has to end this year. And as immediately as possible. It’s a matter of blatant alienation now. And it would continue unchecked without a proactive legal representative, because I’m the father.

I’m the second class parent. The one expected to write a check and parent my children when it’s convenient for their mother.

I need this to be over. My children need their father. Their mother doesn’t care if they talk to me or know I exists. It’s hard to believe that I married someone capable of so much damage.

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